2023-09-13 10:47
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This method applies to the following situations:

  • The miner is power-off in the upgrading process.
  • The miner cannot start (cannot find IP).
  • The miner can only use the default factory workers.

Prepare before you go:

  1. Computer with Windows 7 system or above
  2. Card reader
  3. SD card with capacity lower than 32G storage with FAT32 formatImage result for fat32 format sd card
  4. V9/Z9 Miner machine

Control board recovery step:

  1. Go to https://service.bitmain.com/support/download
  2. Download the v9-SD Tools.zip by go to the left sidebar, found and click "Flashing SD card with image" >> "Tools and Instructions to Image SD card" -> "v9-SD Tools.zip" Note that Z9 mini uses the V9 recovery file
  3. Extract the "v9-SD Tools.zip" files. And copy the extracted files as below to FAT32 SD Card
  4. Remove the SD card from computer.
  5. Power off miner (unplug the power core).
  6. Insert the SD card properly to the miner.
  7. Power on miner. Wait until the signal light besides the internet port stop blinking if the program is copied well to the control board. Wait for 1 minute after light stop blinking before you power off the miner.
  8. Power off miner (unplug the power core). Then remove the SD card.
  9. Power on miner. Now, miner have been restored to the factory setting.


Load the firmware. Go to https://service.bitmain.com/support/download for the latest version firmware.

Please uncheck “keep setting” and reload the firmware. Load either the V9 or the Z9 mini firmware according to the type of miner you have. Please refer to the website below for the video about how to upgrade the firmware https://youtu.be/iFQ_0P3USBs

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