The B2D10065K is a SiC Schottky diode with no reverse recovery current; it outperforms conventional silicon-based devices. The wide band gap (3.26eV), high critical field (3*106 V/cm), and high thermal conductivity (4.9W/cm·K) of SiC makes power semiconductor devices more efficient, faster, and reduce cost, volume, and weight of equipment.
This is a brand-new original product, and the price may be more expensive than the substitute product, but the quality is guaranteed; welcome to buy!
Product parameters:
Type of diode: Schottky rectifying
Technology: SiC
Mounting: THT
Max. off-state voltage: 650V
Load current: 10A
Power dissipation: 70W
Semiconductor structure: single diode
Case: TO220-2
Kind of package: tube
Max. forward impulse current: 85A
Max. forward voltage: 1.67V
Leakage current: 15µA
Product features:
Extremely low reverse current
No reverse recovery current
Temperature independent switching
Positive temperature coefficient on VF
Excellent surge current capability
Low capacitive charge
Essentially no switching losses
System efficiency improvement over Si diodes
Increased power density
Enabling higher switching frequency
Reduction of heat sink requirements
System cost savings due to smaller magnetics
Reduced EMI