The SGM706 microprocessor supervisory circuit reduces the complexity and number of components required to monitor power supplies and monitor microprocessor activity. It significantly increases system reliability and accuracy compared to individual ICs or discrete components. The SGM706 provides power monitoring circuitry to generate a reset output during power-up, power-down, and brown-out conditions. The reset output is operational down to VCC as low as 1V. Additionally, there is a 1.25V threshold detector for power-fail warning, low-battery detection, or monitoring of additional power supplies. An active low manual reset input (MR) is also included. The SGM706 is housed in a green SOIC-8 package. It operates in an ambient temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
• Precision supply voltage monitor: 2.93V
• Guaranteed RESET valid at VCC = 1V
• 200ms reset pulse width
• Debounced TTL/CMOS compatible manual reset input
• Independent watchdog timer (1.6 seconds) timeout
• Voltage monitor for power failure or low battery warning
• -40°C to +85°C operating temperature range
• Green SOIC-8 package
Intelligent Instruments
Automotive Systems
Critical μP power monitoring