T2N7002AK, field effect transistor silicon N-channel MOS type, often used in high-speed switching applications. It should be noted that the channel temperature should not exceed 150°C during use. The chips marked NJ by silkscreen are suitable for Antminer hash boards and Whatsminer hash boards.
Product parameters:
Mounting Style: SMD/SMT
Package / Case: SOT-23-3
Transistor Polarity: N-Channel
Number of Channels: 1 Channel
Vds - Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage: 60 V
Id - Continuous Drain Current: 200 mA
Rds On - Drain-Source Resistance: 3.9 Ohms
Vgs - Gate-Source Voltage: - 20 V, + 20 V
Vgs th - Gate-Source Threshold Voltage: 1.1 V
Qg - Gate Charge: 270 pC
Minimum Operating Temperature: - 55℃
Maximum Operating Temperature: + 150℃
Pd - Power Dissipation: 1 W
Usage notice: Let Vth be the voltage applied between the gate and source which causes the drain current (ID) to be lower than (0.25 mA for this device). Then, for normal switching operation, VGS(ON) must be higher than Vth and VGS(OFF) must be lower than Vth. This relationship can be expressed as: VGS(OFF) < Vth < VGS(ON). Please consider this when using your equipment.
The MOSFETs in this device are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Workbenches, operators, soldering irons, and other objects should be protected against static electricity when handling this equipment.