EG27324 is a cost-effective, dual-channel independent driver dedicated chip with an SD function. The logic signal input processing circuit, level shift circuit, and output drive circuit are integrated inside and used in the motor controller, power supply, and transformer drive circuit.
The power supply voltage range of EG27324 is wide from 2.8V to 20V, and the static power consumption is less than 1uA. The chip's input channels INA and INB each have a built-in 200K pull-down resistor; SD has a built-in 200K pull-down resistor; when the SD input is floating, it does not affect the output of OUTA and OUtB; output current capability I0+/- 2/2.5A; It is packaged in SOP8.
Product features:
Adapt to 5V, 3.3V input voltage
VCC voltage range 2.8V-20V
Output current capability IO+/-2A/2.5A
Short input and output delay
The SD input channel is active high and closes the HO and LO outputs
Fewer peripherals
Quiescent current is less than 1uA, ideal for battery applications
Package form: SOP-8
Application areas:
Mobile power
Wireless charging drive
Variable frequency water pump controller
Motor driver
Power supply
Drive transformer