Which ever method detailed above you chose you will need to configure the device to connect to your Wi-Fi network
and enter a bitcoin address where you wish to receive your block reward to if your NerdMiner finds a block.
1. On your computer or mobile phone, connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by your Nerdminer device.
Note: the Wi-Fi should be 2.4GHz,can not be 5GHz. You can achieve this by either scanning the QR code displayed
on the screen or manually scanning for the Wi-Fi network and logging in using the credentials below:
The SSID is: NerdMinerAP:
The Password is: MineYourCoins
2. Open a web-browser, you should be automatically re-directed to a set-up page. If you aren’t automatically
re-directed simply manually navigate to in a the browser.
you should see this screen:
3. Click the “Configure Wi-Fi” option and provide the requested information on the screen. This includes selecting
your Wi-Fi network, entering the Wi-Fi network password, and specifying the bitcoin address for receiving mined
bitcoin in the event of discovering a block, we suggest a seg-wit address starting bc1q (Note; taproot addresses
starting bc1p don't currently work with the default public-pool). The pool settings are pre-set to public-pool.io,but
you can customize them according to your preferences, though it’s usually advisable to keep the default settings.
The fields annotated with red text on the image below are the 3 fields you need to configure.
4. In the rare event that you discover a valid block, you will receive the full block reward to the address provided.
(excluding a small fee that will be directed towards the solo mining pool, this differs between pools but expect around 2%).
5. Once you have entered all the necessary information, click “Save,” wait for a moment, and then restart your device.
6. You should now be able to view the Nerdminer main screen. Where you should see how many KH/S your NerdMiner
is producing. (Expect around 55KH/S, may differ slightly depending on firmware) Use the buttons to navigate as
described below:
Top Button:
Bottom Button:
Centre Button: